Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Two new kits available...

     The Fix-It-Shop is now ready to ship along with the Hacienda. The Fix-It-Shop is a plaster kit with special cast resin details and signs. it features a short interior at the front with a cast resin rear reception wall. The ceiling is falling down and trash is thrown across the floor. It is for rent now. The Hacienda is a Frijole Flats kit from adobe (plaster). A special roof of cast, fully detailed, old tile is included along with special resin windows and doors. It features a special patio in front and an addition at the rear covered in corrugated roofing.
Mr. Fix-It-Shop............................. $89.95
Shipping for US is $15 Priority for either or both kits. Please write for foreign quote

Send check or money order to; Tom Yorke, 210 Pitch Lake Ct, Roswell, GA 30076
PayPal account;